Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Few Changes and A New Adventure...

So with everything going on, new baby, husband always working and at school, and trying to figure out this mommy life of balance... There are a few more changes in my life.

First, a change of name for my blog. Splash of Chocolate! The reason, there is always something sweet to find in life. I plan on showing the sweet things in life in everything blogged.

Second, I finally started my new adventure. Alli Kay Photography! (you can visit my Facebook page here - Alli Kay Photography on Facebook or click the link above for my photography blog page.) I have always loved photography and everything that it encompasses. So why not do what I love.

I have done events here and there for others but never did it as a living. Now I have the time and plan on going at it 100%.

My most recent projects included a Valentine Mini Shoot and Senior Pictures. All Valentine shoots were done as gifts for others, so nothing will be posted until the 14th. As for senior pictures, I had the opportunity to take them for this amazing young women, who is absolutely stunning. I can't wait to do more in the future. These two were among many favorites taken.

I am loving my new life as a mommy and have so much to share about everyday life. Hope you are ready for the ride. ;)

Monday, December 16, 2013

A new life.

I finally have found my inspiration for this blog, leaving my other one for family updates. My inspiration is little Miss Kay. At least that will be her name on here... this blog will be all about my unexpected life as a wife, step-mother of 3, and mother to a miracle,little Miss Kay. Follow me through my journey of figuring it all out and trying new things. Tryin  to juggle being a first time mommy, keeping up as a wife, and working a full time job.

My miracle, Little Miss Kay. Also a picture from last Christmas with the rest of my family. 

Let's get this started. Wish me luck. :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wow, I have been horrible at keeping up with blogging. I keep telling myself that I will find time to do it yet never manage to just sit down and do it. But lately I have had a lot on my mind. Guess it is time to get it all out.
                Too often many of us take for granted the little things in life. One of the ‘biggest/little things’ is the love of someone. For the last week, and then some, I have been ill, going from one treatment to the next, still waiting to find out what could be wrong. Now being sick is tiring all on its own. But trying to do simple things such as eating, walking up the stairs or just standing up because you ache, just adds to it. Then becoming discouraged and tired of feeling ill does not help. However… I have been fortunate enough to have someone who cared for me enough to buy food that I could eat, help me get up and about, and just tell me that everything will be okay.
                I always thought that I would be able to always be there for him and he has in return done the same for me. Everyone jokes about ‘finding your knight in shining armor’. I didn’t find my knight. I was able to find my best friend, my other half. To me that is so much better than a knight.
                I will always cherish all those little things that he does to show me he is there and that he cares. It may not seem like much to others but to me, it is the world.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What to do? Share?

So I haven't really been all that good at keeping up on this blog. I am trying to decide if I should change it. It is all about 'New Starts' in life. And I have made one. With that came a new blog. So now what I am trying to decide is... Should I keep this blog or turn it into something useful. I would really hate to close another blog. So I am thinking... Possible use for photography... I have an amazing new camera and plan to add to it and take classes to learn more. So why not help out or share with others... I chose to share. =]

So my share for the day... One of my favorite pictures I took while back with my family for the holidays... Hope you love it as much as I do...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Think twice...

Sometimes I think we lose sight of what really matters and what is really important. We allow ourselves to hold everything in until we decide we need to say something. And it is at that moment that we lose sight of those things that matter and are important. And in the process... Hurt the ones we love. So chose your words wisely. Better yet... Think twice about what you may do or say. Because you can't always take things back. And most of the time... It wasn't worth it to begin with.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A New Start

This is from an older post that I just had to keep. And the reason for the title of my new blog. It was when I realized how ready I was to move on with my life and start fresh. It has taken a while for me to do that but now.... I have an amazing reason to.
So in starting over... I start with a new blog. I plan to enjoy my new life and can't wait to share it with all of you.

It has been an eventful couple of weeks. The biggest was my trip to Washington to help take care of Mom....

It started out with a phone call on Wednesday, Sept. 1. Mom was in the admitted in to Dixie Regional Medical Center with a blood clot in her lungs. She was positive she would be in..... 'Only a few days. I am sure I will be out by Friday.' But I knew better. I began to make arragements at work to leave on Saturday, the 4th, to head down for a long week. Little did I know how long it would be.....

I visited Mom everyday that she was in the hospital and watched as she continued to fight to get better. And each day was. She looked better, even acted better. It took a while but 6 days after being admitted..... She was finally discharged, Tuesday, the 7th.

Now she has to continue with treatments at home until her family doctor is comfortable enough to say that she is better.

There was one thing found in the hospital that is cause for concern...... but that can be dealt with when and if the time comes. I am just thankful that she is doing better.

I was glad that I was able to go down to help her. It help me in a way as well.

I find that I tend to forget about taking time for myself and just do whatever I want. While Mom was in the hospital I was able to do absolutely nothing, and that was the best. But it was nice to just sit and read a book or go for a walk. Just whenever I felt like. I was able to catch up with a few friends I had not seen in about a year. And my favorite... sit outside and enjoy the weather.

I remember when I lived down there and I would sit for hours outside on the porch and watch those amazing 'St. George thunderstorms'. I would take picture after picture of the storms..... the sunrises..... the sunsets..... Even going for a ride and taking a short hike..... Just enjoying the beauty of it all......

While I was alone I took the time to relish in those feelings once again....

For the first time in a long time I am actually anxious for a good reason this time.... I can't wait to runaway by myself again.....